Virtual me is not the whole me!
Our teens share their advice on how they manage social media!

Use different user names for different social media accounts
Think about other people’s friends (friends of friends) because your birth family may be able to connect via them to your account
Profile picture – try using one that doesn’t have your face in, but something that you love or symbolises you.
Do not add people you don’t know. Ask yourself why they are contacting you? Quality of friends over quantity.
Think before sending pictures to people you do not know – the attention might feel nice, but people might not respond the way you want and you can’t ask for the picture back!!
Seek support before searching for birth family – a trusted adult, someone else who is adopted, or a social worker who can help you think about how safe it is as well as your hopes and fears.
STOP and think before sending instant messages – w wall say thinks in the heat of the moment, but it’s easier when you’re not face to face with someone – once your message is out there, you can’t undo it.