If there is a safeguarding issue (it is felt that a child is a danger to themselves, or others, or they feel that someone else may harm them, or is abusing a status of trust) this will be dealt with appropriately and raised with all necessary people, in adherence to our Family Action Safeguarding Children Policy & Procedure
We will, where possible, try and talk to the person involved to explain why we have to share information and discuss who we will share this with. The same applies to members’ parents.

Adopteens Project Workers also like to work with families to ensure that members feel safe and supported, and if issues are raised we will always try and explore these, work out if we can offer the right support, and if not, we will check out other options for support. our service is not a crisis service and we cannot provide one-to-one support for young people. If we feel Adopteens is not suitable for your young person we retain the right to refuse a service and will discuss this with you. We work with families to be inclusive but we are not a suitable service for all young people.