Looking to make friends and meet people like yourself? Come to an Adopteen event!
If you are not yet part of the Adopteens community, but are an adopted person between the ages of 11 and 17, living in Yorkshire or Humberside area, join us to gain access to our upcoming events:
Have an idea for an event or a comment? Let us know!
Past Events
Here are a selection of events we have held in the past to give you a taste of what’s in store.
Mission Out!
Join us for an epic adventure at Mission Out as requested by you! We will tackle the High Ropes, Jump Tower and some of the assault course!
Steel cauldron
Join us for an afternoon of wand making, magic and a mesmerising owl display. Sheffield. Saturday 4th May
Forest Quest
Do you like adventure? Want to learn survival skills? Join us on the 17th March. Click above for more
Light Jars
Create a light jar. Workshop to join online. Jan 27th 2024. Click above for more.