Adopt a change
Adopt a change is a 3 year project funded by Children in Need with the aim of designing and developing a short days interactive training about adoption from young adopted peoples perspective.

Starting in 2021, young people have joined this project & worked to develop multiple workshops. These workshops are all interactive with the aim of helping professionals feel what a day in your shoes is like.
The training day involves role play, quiz’s, and crafts whilst you guide professionals to explore themes such as Identity, school overwhelm & how schools can improve, building relationships with young people, and bias & beliefs about adoption.
The Children in Care Council has been doing this training for years and so we feel it is time young adopted people had the same opportunity to use their voices and experience to influence change.
In February 2023 7 young people ran a full days training to 60 professional (social workers, therapists, education workers & managers) and the feedback was excellent. We are now working on growing and building on what we have as well as recruiting more members to make this a training that people are shouting from the rooftops about.
What does it look like – this magic doesn’t happen over night so we put a lot of time & effort in to supporting you to get up there and have the confidence to present and deliver the training
We do this by
- Team building events – day event and residentials
- Regular meet ups – online and in person
- Confidence building
- Drama coaching
- Consistent support by our team
If you are an adopted person between 13 and 17 and this sound like something you’d like to get involved in then please contact us